Support our military families overseas. Drop off your expired manufacturer coupons @ Mattress Direct in Conway (2676D Church St - across the street from Wal-Mart) or Mattress Direct in North Myrtle Beach (596 Hwy 17N in the Gator Hole Plaza) OR any Zumba® With Ché class.
- All manufacturer coupons including printed internet coupons
- No store (i.e. Target, Publix) or restaurant coupons (i.e. Pizza Inn, Hardee's)
- Coupons that have expired in the past 2 months preferred (after 10/15/11). It takes time to sort and send coupons to the troops. Commissaries will accept coupons that are up to six months expired.
- Do NOT stable or clip coupons together.
- All coupons will be shipped out on December 31, 2011